About a year ago we had guests from Holland in our home. While we were enjoying coffee and dessert, one of them asked me why we go to such lengths to publish books in Hebrew? He explained that as he had traveled around Israel he found that most people were able to communicate with him in English. I responded by saying: “Maybe it would be cheaper to teach all the Jewish Christians to read in English than to publish books in Hebrew. However, we publish in Hebrew so that our children, grandchildren, and future generations, so that they will know that faith in Jesus is as much ours as it is any one else. Can you imagine your children reading Christian books in English, rather than Dutch? It is important for them to realize that faith in Jesus, the Messiah is as Jewish as any thing else! If they have to read about their faith in a foreign language, then their faith is not theirs, it is foreign.” I think he started to realize the importance of publishing books in Hebrew
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